FloodNet Partners
Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice
The NYC Mayor’s Office of Climate and Environmental Justice is excited to partner on this project that will allow us to detect and monitor flooding in real time across vulnerable neighborhoods. The increasing use of connected technologies in NYC is sharpening our understanding of localized climate threats and informing our response to emerging threats.
Office of Technology and Innovation
The NYC Office of Technology and Innovation is a partner on this project to share its knowledge and understanding of connected technologies and how they relate to communities.
CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
The Environmental Science Initiative at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) is co-leading the design and deployment of the flood sensors and the FloodNet.nyc data portal.
Center for the Study of Brooklyn
The Center for the Study of Brooklyn at CUNY Brooklyn College provides support for engaging with communities impacted by flooding.
NYU Tandon School of Engineering & CUSP
The FloodSense team from NYU Tandon School of Engineering and NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP) is co-leading the design and deployment of the flood sensors and the FloodNet.NYC data portal.
Science and Resilience Institute, Jamaica Bay
The SRIJB brings together communities, researchers and city representatives to create common understanding about flooding and its impacts in NYC, and is co-leading the development of FloodNet.NYC and the Community Flood Watch project.
New York Sea Grant
New York Sea Grant co-leads the Community Flood Watch project that helps communities document frequent flooding by high tides and coastal storms in coastal neighborhoods around NYC.